
Anxiety is a very common and sometimes healthy reaction when we sense a threat or find ourselves in a worrying situation. Anxiety can become a problem when it interferes with our performance or everyday lives. We can start to feel an overwhelming sense of uneasiness, either in general or in relation to a specific situation. At these times we may experience physical feelings of anxiety, including an increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, shakes and dizziness, tightness in the chest, nausea, muscular pain and headaches. Anxiety is also often associated with worrying thoughts, difficulties in sleeping and concentration and a loss of self-confidence. Anxiety is divided into three main types: general anxiety, phobias and panic disorder. If there’s a particularly difficult situation at work or at home, the stress that this creates can spill over into other areas of life and create anxiety. Similarly, a person who’s experienced a very frightening situation may also carry the fear over to their everyday life. This is known as post-traumatic stress disorder. Though it’s little comfort to the person experiencing it, they can at least identify the cause of the emotions they’re experiencing. In general, anxiety’s emotional turmoil appears to have a life of its own. Some psychiatrists call this “free-floating anxiety.” Unlike phobia and panic, with general anxiety it’s not always clear to the anxious person exactly what it is they feel so anxious about. They’re just aware of feeling anxious all the time. When there’s no identifiable cause, the person often becomes anxious about feeling anxious all the time, and the problem starts to feed off itself.

People with generalized anxiety may find that they:

  • easily lose their patience

  • have difficulty concentrating

  • think constantly about the worst outcome

  • have difficulty sleeping

  • become depressed and/or

  • become preoccupied with, or obsess about, one subject


These mental symptoms lead to and are supported by physical symptoms. These can include:

  • excessive thirst

  • stomach upset

  • passing wind

  • loose bowel movements

  • frequent urinating

  • failure to respond to sexual stimulation

  • periods of intense pounding heart

  • periods of feeling winded

  • muscle aches

  • headaches

  • dizziness

  • pins and needles

  • tremors

  • painful or no periods

The relationship of physical and mental symptoms can create a vicious cycle that can be triggered by a symptom at any point. In panic, the cycle develops quickly to a crisis. With generalized anxiety, people often manage to keep things under control and the cycle grumbles on. The effort of keeping things under control is itself very stressful — and so adds fuel to the problem.

This is how some people come to feel anxious about their anxiety, making the problem even more intense.

The first step is to understand how anxiety works. Anxiety is a mixture of physical and mental symptoms. They are part of what psychologists call the “fight or flight” response. When the body is under threat it automatically prepares either to defend itself or run.

Relaxation: Relaxation isn’t an immediate fix for the problem. It’s a skill that must be learned and (like all skills) is only acquired through practice. There are two types of relaxation exercise: guided fantasy and muscle tension. It’s best to try them both to find out which one suits you more. Exercise: Another strategy for breaking the physical symptoms of the vicious cycle is taking aerobic exercise. This is exercise that’s low impact — not involving carrying heavy weights or sudden exertion — and acts mainly on the heart. Any gentle physical activity that leaves the heart slightly racing will help. By effectively giving the heart exercise it will, like any other muscle, become stronger. A stronger heart is less prone to the kind of pounding that can make the physical symptoms of anxiety so unpleasant. Exercise will also help to release some of the tension that builds up and can fuel the anxiety. Diet: Caffeine is present in many soft drinks, not just tea and coffee. Try to cut out caffeine as much as possible since it can set up its own vicious cycle. It can speed up the heart rate and make you pass more urine — both signs of general anxiety. It can also disrupt your sleep, another sign of anxiety. If you’re tired, you’ll be less in control of your emotions and more likely to feel anxious. Trying to overcome tiredness by drinking more caffeine only makes the long-term problem worse. Just Say NO!: This can be the very best therapy. It’s simply too easy to take on too much. You can find yourself in a situation where you have too many demands on your time. Often, no one thing is causing you anxiety, but as you try to fit more and more into your life you can become slightly anxious about each task. This anxiety can build up, bringing you to a breaking point. It’s as bad to feel a little anxious about a lot of things as it is to feel very anxious about one big thing.

What is anxiety management psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy can be instrumental in tackling the root cause of anxiety and teaching you new ways to manage and reduce your anxiety. Anxiety counselors help you explore the causes of stress, including those created by work, family and past experiences. It may be important to understand what you are doing to maintain high stress levels, as some behaviors exacerbate stress. Counselors work with you to develop stress-reduction techniques and to promote psychologically healthier patterns of living.

Benefits of anxiety therapy

• Opportunity to explore the underlying causes of your stress and anxiety. • Examine the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contribute to your high stress levels. • Gain self-understanding and insight, including identifying stress triggers. • Develop tailor-made coping strategies to manage stressful situations. • Learn techniques and tools that are effective for you for the long-term.

Issues for anxiety therapy

• Panic Attacks • General Worry • Social Anxiety • Nervousness • Performance Anxiety • Shyness • Sexual Anxiety • Generalized Anxiety For help getting your anxiety under control, contact us today.

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