Division of Labor

Unbalanced division of labor between couples can cause an additional layer of conflict leading to more arguments and partners feeling overwhelmed. A great way to combat this it to sit down together and identify each other’s strengths, availability, and designate ownership over specific tasks. I have provided a division of labor list with tasks to help you and your partner identify specifically what needs to be delegated between each other to make the household run more smoothly.

For the Couple

  • Planning vacations and getaways
  • Planning the travel itinerary
  • Arranging dates
  • Setting dinner reservations
  • Scheduling intimacy
  • Planning weekend events
  • Making plans with friends
  • Making doctor’s appointments
  • Managing investments
    Paying the bills
  • Prepares for tax season
  • Returning phone calls or e-mail
  • Keeping a social calendar
  • Updates calendars
  • Keeping in touch with family
  • Preparing for holidays/sending cards
  • Buying gifts for family members
  • Wrapping gifts
  • Checking in with each other

For the Kids

  • Taking children to school
  • Preparing child meals and lunches
  • Doing or arranging childcare after school
  • Takes care of communications with school
  • Picking children up from school
  • Attending and taking kids to after school events (sports, arts, dances)
  • Supervising bedtime
  • Attending teacher conferences
  • Dealing with a sick child
  • Help complete homework
  • Packing kids clothes for trips
  • Setting up bath time
  • Planning family outings with kids
  • Planning kid parties
  • Making children appointments
  • Taking children to appointments
  • Shopping for school supplies
  • Arranging playdates
  • Handling child emergencies
  • Planning family outing with kids

For the Home

  • Grocery shopping
  • Cooking dinner
  • Setting the table
  • Cleaning up after dinner
  • Cleaning the bathrooms
  • Doing the dishes
  • Planning meals for the week/day
  • Making the beds
  • Washing clothes
  • Folding the laundry
  • Getting clothes from the cleaners
  • Ironing
  • Putting clothes away
  • Vacuuming
  • Mopping/sweeping
  • Daily tidying up
  • Cleaning the kitchen
  • Cleaning out the refrigerator
  • Taking out the trash
  • Handling the recycling
  • Making repairs around the house
  • Taking the cars to get serviced
  • Putting gas in the car
  • Shopping for clothing
  • Organizing/de-cluttering the closet
  • Doing yardwork and outdoor maintenance
  • Watering plants
  • Organizing mail
  • Getting house ready for guests or a party

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