Happy Friday! The weekend is almost here and although some of us look forward to it, others might fret. Social anxiety can peak over the weekend when we socialize the most. Wether you are running around doing errands or are attending social engagements, anxiety over being around others can set in. Here are 10 ways to be happier this weekend:

  1. Be open to new opportunities and people
  2. De-personalize – not everything is about you
  3. Feeling disappointed – reframe it into a new
  4. Fake it till you make really does work
  5. Stopping fearing judgment and accept that it exists and it’s o.k.
  6. Ask a friend for feedback or advice
  7. Volunteer
  8. Motivate yourself to get a project done
  9. Change up your routine
  10. Smile at a stranger


#socialanxiety #stress #weekend #happiness #therapy #therapist #westlakevillage #thousandoaks #malibu

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