What we do during time of distress helps us become stronger during adversity.

Three common approaches and examples compliments of trauma-recovery.ca


  • Crying
  • Hands in fists, desire to punch, rip
  • Flexed/tight jaw, grinding teeth, snarl
  • Fight in eyes, glaring, fight in voice
  • Desire to stomp, kick, smash with legs, feet
  • Feelings of anger/rage
  • Knotted stomach/nausea, burning stomach
  • Metaphors like bombs, volcanoes erupting


  • Restless legs, feet /numbness in legs
  • Anxiety/shallow breathing
  • Big/darting eyes
  • Leg/foot movement
  • Reported or observed fidgety-ness, restlessness, feeling trapped, tense
  • Sense of running in life- one activity-next
  • Excessive exercise


  • Feeling stuck in some part of body
  • Feeling cold/frozen, numb, pale skin
  • Sense of stiffness, heaviness
  • Holding breath/restricted breathing
  • Sense of dread, heart pounding
  • Decreased heart rate (can sometimes increase)

Recognizes which one you are and comfort yourself by acknowledging feelings and rationally look at the situation you find yourself in and then proceed with brain storming solutions.

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