by Marina Edelman, LMFT | Aug 8, 2019 | affair, couples, divorce, marriage
Women cheat. They do. Even though it’s not as talked about as men, and in some ways, a lot more unacceptable in society, women do cheat. Why? Usually when women have their eyes set on their guy, it’s forever. She will stick by her man through thick and thin. So what...
by Marina Edelman, LMFT | Aug 1, 2019 | affair, Blog, couples
When we are newly married, happy, and carefree, usually a time before children are in our lives, the thought of an affair seems impossible! Why would anyone stray from this marriage? This person? The person you married is incredible, sexy, and fun! However, a few...
by Marina Edelman, LMFT | Mar 1, 2017 | Blog, couples, Uncategorized
How To Protect Your Relationship From Affairs Many marriages end up in divorce when one couple is caught having an affair. Security and trust are easily destroyed. Thankfully, couples who decide to stay and go through counseling regain that sense of security and...