Why Women Have Affairs

Why Women Have Affairs

Women cheat. They do. Even though it’s not as talked about as men, and in some ways, a lot more unacceptable in society, women do cheat. Why? Usually when women have their eyes set on their guy, it’s forever. She will stick by her man through thick and thin. So what...
Bringing a Newborn Home for the Holidays

Bringing a Newborn Home for the Holidays

Guest Blogger and associate Fred Rosenbloom shares his experience in bringing a newborn home during the holidays. We were looking forward to bringing our newborn home during the holidays, until we actually did and regretfully declined one holiday soirée after another....
Mediation As An Alternative To Therapy

Mediation As An Alternative To Therapy

Most people are drawn to mediation because they believe it is a means to dissolve relationships such as divorce or to resolve conflict amicably. Meditation can help individuals, families, and couples in the following ways: It can help all parties better understand...
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