Why Women Have Affairs

Why Women Have Affairs

Women cheat. They do. Even though it’s not as talked about as men, and in some ways, a lot more unacceptable in society, women do cheat. Why? Usually when women have their eyes set on their guy, it’s forever. She will stick by her man through thick and thin. So what...
Why Do Affairs Happen?

Why Do Affairs Happen?

When we are newly married, happy, and carefree, usually a time before children are in our lives, the thought of an affair seems impossible! Why would anyone stray from this marriage? This person? The person you married is incredible, sexy, and fun! However, a few...
Let’s talk about adult attachment!

Let’s talk about adult attachment!

Let’s talk about adult attachment! Similar to the way that we attach to our primary caregivers as infants, there are four attachment styles that we may exhibit in our adult romantic relationships or in our adult friendships – secure, preoccupied, avoidant,...
Top reasons to try therapy at least once

Top reasons to try therapy at least once

Create self awareness – aren’t you curious about how people perceive you No Judgment – feel free to express yourself without censorship and discover hidden issues Unbiased advice Learn self regulation and new ways of thinking Yoga for your...
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